Cell Over Satellite-Single

Order Page for Cell Over Satellite-Single (a single satellite dish on a single building)

You have two options for this service

Before you submit your order, you will be asked if you agree to the Terms of Service (Click to Review)

Upfront fees require a credit card

Annual Spend $4,200
Monthly Fee $350
Install Fee $350
Upfront Fee $1,050
Install Fee and first 2 months
$350 a month beginning in third month

Cell Over Satellite Single - Monthly

Organization Information

Primary Contact Information

Billing Information

Billing Address

Subtotal $350.00

Install Fee $350.00

Monthly Recurring Amount (starting 3rd month) $350.00 every 3 months

Once you have submitted your order, your credit card will be charged a $1,050 installation fee. If for any reason the satellite installation or satellite equipment is not installed or on your premise within 40 days, the installation fee will be refunded on your credit card. Once installation has been confirmed, within 20-40 days you will be charged the monthly recurring amount of $350.

Annual Spend $3,600 (year 1)
Annual Spend $3,000 (year 2)
Install Fee $0
Upfront Fee $600
First 2 months
$3,000 due – 2 months after install

Cell Over Satellite Single - 1 Year

Organization Information

Primary Contact Information

Billing Information

Billing Address

Subtotal $3,000.00

Install Fee $3,000.00

Annual Recurring Amount (20-40 days after install) $3,000.00 every 1 year
