Purchasing Options

Cell Over Satellite

Only has 2 products or services

1. Cell Over Satellite Service

a) We install a satellite dish on your building. The satellite provider we
use will have a path to earth that will be a minimum of 1,000 miles from
your facility, to avoid voice network congestion.

b) You have unlimited minutes and texts available when using this
option. You are still limited to the plan you have with your cellular
provider, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.

c) It is your responsibility to use the satellite bandwidth effectively. For
example, if you have hundreds or thousands of people at this location,
if you have more than 30-50 people talking on their cell phones at once
over satellite, the voice quality will begin to degrade. However, if
people who are given the password to the satellite Wi-Fi network are
made aware of the bandwidth limitations. They can email and text
using minimal bandwidth.

2. Satellite Phone System

a) Includes the service and limitations of the Cell Over Satellite service.
b) Your organization will have access to a hosted phone system that can
re-route incoming calls to your organization to people who have
telephone service.
c) It is possible to share a single hosted phone system with several sites.
d) You are assigned access numbers that route directly to the hosted
phone system. You have a number of minutes or text messages that are
allowed on these access numbers every month. If you exceed the
allowed minutes you are billed $0.35 per minute or text message.
If you receive a call directly on your phone or make an outbound call
from your cell phone this does use you allowed minutes.
